Weighted Eye Mask for Migraines: Your Solution for a Migraine Headache

Weighted eye masks for migraines can ease pain and relax you for better sleep. Read this to know how they help and their other benefits.
We know why you’re here. You’re sick and tired of dealing with migraine pain. And who can blame you? A recurring and throbbing headache doesn’t only cause discomfort. It robs you of restful sleep.
Medication, medical procedures or lifestyle changes are indeed treatment options. But there’s another way to ease your pain. Plus, it’s non-invasive, effective and affordable. It’s using weighted eye masks for migraines. They may also complement your existing program and offer more relief.
Like a weighted blanket, a sleep mask is designed to relax and soothe. The concept behind it is deep pressure therapy (DPT), also known as deep pressure stimulation (DPS). And acupressure also comes into play when it comes to weighted eye masks for migraines. We’ll talk more about these in detail.
We'll also discuss our version, Manta WEIGHTED Sleep Mask in detail later on in this article. So, keep reading!
Table of Contents
What Is a Migraine?
Yes, the dreaded migraine is a type of headache. But there’s more to it than that. The pain can be downright debilitating. It’s typically felt on one side of the head and has a pounding sensation. (Ouch is right!)
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke says that episodes, when untreated, can last for 4 to 72 hours(1). Some symptoms of migraines include:
Light, scent and sound sensitivity
Nausea and vomiting
Pain that heightens with movement
There are two types of migraines: one with aura and the other without. Aura is when you see flashing lights or have difficulty talking. You may also experience ringing in the ears (tinnitus), a loss of balance or muscle weakness, to name a few.
Migraines can be chronic or episodic. Chronic ones occur more often and may also last longer. According to Cleveland Clinic, migraines or headaches must happen 15 times a month. And for at least 3 months to be considered chronic. Or you have headaches with migraine symptoms at least 8 times a month for at least 3 months(2).
You’re more at risk for migraines if you have certain health conditions like obesity, sleep apnea or depression. Triggers include stress, caffeine, and sleeping too much or too little. Eating aged food like cheese, wine or preserved meats can also activate a migraine.
Funnily enough, migraines aren’t in themselves dangerous. But their symptoms are similar to that of a stroke. And the pain can be severe. That’s why it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare provider if you get them once too often.
How a Weighted Eye Mask Works for Migraine Relief
Weighted eye masks are essentially sleep masks packed with materials like beads that deliver weight to the facial and eye area. They also block out light for better sleep. The weight soothes migraine pain, while the blackout feature provides sensory relief.
As we mentioned earlier, there are two principles behind weighted eye masks for migraines. One is DPS, and the other is acupressure.
A Weighted Eye Mask Relieves Pain Through Acupressure
In case you’re wondering, acupressure is a traditional therapy where pressure is applied to specific points in the body. It originated about 3 millennia ago in China. Its main goal is to restore balance to the body, promoting overall health and relaxation. It’s like acupuncture without the needles.
Evidence suggests that acupressure is effective in relieving pain. For instance, one study in the National Library of Medicine showed that acupressure reduced pain and anxiety scores. Also, 75% of participants were extremely satisfied with the treatment(3).
Meanwhile, a study published in The Clinical Journal of Medicine showed that 3 minutes of acupressure therapy successfully reduced the severity of pain experienced by athletes. The participants had sports-related musculoskeletal injuries(4).
A weighted sleep mask for migraines massages pressure points on the face and eye area. According to Medical News Today, they are as follows:
Yin Tang, also known as the Third Eye, is positioned between the eyes. Pressure applied to this specific point may reduce stress and renew energy levels.
Drilling Bamboo or Urinary Bladder 2 is found on both sides of the nose, close to the intersection of the eyebrows. Preliminary studies propose that acupuncture on this spot might be effective in preventing migraine episodes(5).
Weighted Masks Ease Tension Through Deep Pressure Stimulation
This therapeutic technique uses the power of touch to soothe the nervous system. It involves applying firm pressure to induce relaxation. Holding, hugging, squeezing or swaddling are examples.
A weighted eye mask works by applying gentle pressure to the eyelids. This pressure triggers the vagus nerve (the main regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system). This sends soothing signals from the neck to the shoulders. Then, the chest, heart, and stomach.
The pressure also triggers an increased production of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, and melatonin, the sleep hormone. On the other hand, it suppresses cortisol, the stress hormone. In this sense, it works as a weighted eye mask for anxiety relief.
The weight of the mask relaxes the muscles on your face and eyes. And while it may not cure migraines, it eases tension that causes pain, and its weight benefits sleep quality. (That said, a weighted eye mask also relieves tension headaches.)
A Weighted Mask Blocks Out Light for Sensory Relief
This one is pretty straightforward. A weighted eye mask for migraines works by blocking out light. That said, you should only use one that does so 100%.
As we said earlier, light sensitivity is one symptom of migraines. And if you’re one of those who suffer from migraines, you know only two well how even a pinprick of light can make it so much worse.
Okay, so you already know that a weighted eye mask eases pain from migraine headaches. But they have a couple of other amazing things going for them.
The weight helps decrease your body’s “fight or flight” stress response. This, in turn, lowers your blood pressure and heart rate — which is especially helpful if you’re stressed or anxious. The weight also helps reduce sinusitis pain by gently massaging your sinuses.
Read our article on weighted sleep mask benefits to learn more.
Manta Weighted Sleep Mask: A Step Ahead in Relief for Migraines

Manta WEIGHTED Sleep Mask delivers on 100% blackout. It contains microglass beads that are evenly distributed throughout the strap. That way, you’ll get soothing pressure where it counts most.
Check out its features:

This one comes with a pair of eye cups like our other eye masks. But in this case, they're extra tapered for side sleeping comfort.
The unique design means you won’t feel any direct weight on your eyelids. But you’ll still get gentle pressure on the points around your eye area. They’re adjustable, too. (Think of it as a weighted eye pillow.)

The strap has stitching to keep the weights firmly in place. Its duo strap design means it won’t slip off as you sleep the whole night through.
It’s infinitely adjustable, securing around your head with micro hook and loop closures. And you can position it over or above your ears.
The mask also has a mesh laundry case that doubles as a storage case. The cups are 100% machine-washable. The strap is handwash only as cleaning it in the washing machine may damage the beads.
There are tons of options available in the market, but we’re pretty sure that our weighted eye mask for migraines will beat expectations.
Wrapping Up
So now you know weighted eye masks for migraines are an effective way to beat that excruciating pain. And not just that, they have other benefits that are great for your well-being and health.
One of these is a weighted eye mask for insomnia, which helps by lowering stress and anxiety levels. This means you’ll drift off faster and stay asleep longer.
There’s no need to let migraines rule your life. Take charge with a simple but effective sleep accessory to complement your treatment program. Or use it on its own.
We hope this article helps bring you relief and get the good zzzs you deserve. Let us know how your experience with a weighted sleep mask goes. Drop a comment below.
(1) “Migraine” National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/migraine. Accessed 21 September 2023.
(2) “Migraine Headaches” Cleveland Clinic, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/5005-migraine-headaches. Accessed 21 September 2023.
(3) “Beyond Pills: Acupressure Impact on Self-Rated Pain and Anxiety Scores” National Library of Medicine, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6533784/. Accessed 22 September 2023.
(4) “Does Acupressure Hit the Mark? A Three-Arm Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Acupressure for Pain and Anxiety Relief in Athletes With Acute Musculoskeletal Sports Injuries” Clinical Journal of Medicine, journals.lww.com/cjsportsmed/Abstract/2017/07000/Does_Acupressure_Hit_the_Mark__A_Three_Arm.2.aspx. Accessed 22 September 2023.
(5) “Acupressure points for migraine relief: What to know” Medical News Today, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/migraine-relief-pressure-points. Accessed 22 September 2023.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this website or provided through our blog, e-mails, or programs is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your healthcare professionals.