Does a Silk Eye Mask Really Help Sleep? How Silk Sleep Masks Actually Work

Does a silk eye mask really help sleep? Read this blog post to find out why and how and answers to the most common questions regarding silk sleep masks.
Face masks are all anyone’s talked about for the past few years.
Let’s give it a rest for just a minute — and instead, shower the sleep mask with the recognition it deserves. Why? For one, it sucks to sleep with a face mask. Second, a face mask can only dream of being made from luxurious silk. So, does a silk eye mask really help sleep? The short answer is yes.
But not as directly as we’d like to think; it’s not like a sleeping pill but more like a sleep aid. A sleep eye mask will help to block out the light so that you can enjoy a deeper and more restful sleep. And that’s whether it’s the streetlamp outside your window or (we hate to break it to you) the shining white night light that keeps the monster under the bed at bay. Artificial light — especially blue light from your electronic devices — inhibits your body’s ability to produce the melatonin it needs to get adequate sleep.
A premium silk sleep mask provides comfort and blocks out light. More importantly, it gives relief from external factors that deprive you of a good night’s rest.
This post breaks down some of those factors and explains how a silk sleep mask helps. Here’s what it covers:
Table of Contents
How a Silk Eye Mask Helps With Sleeping in a Hot (or Cold) Room
If it’s summer or you live in a country with a tropical climate, you’ve probably woken up feeling tired and gross. You likely woke up repeatedly during the night. The Sleep Foundation explains, “External temperatures can interfere with the natural thermoregulation that occurs during sleep.” They also say the ideal room temperature for quality shut-eye is between 66 to 70°F.(1)
So, what’s silk got to do with it?
Silk has a superpower: it has a natural property that regulates temperature. Apart from making you feel and look swanky, this is one reason silk bedding and sleepwear are so popular. The last thing you need is an extra layer of fabric on your face if you’re in a hot room. A silk eye mask will help ease the discomfort.
It’s not all about the weather outside or indoors, either. If you’re down with the flu or experiencing hot flashes, a silk sleep mask could be calming and help you get much-needed rest.
So, does a silk eye mask really help sleep? In this case, especially, it does.
A Silk Sleep Mask Has Moisture-Wicking Properties
Did we mention silk is moisture-wicking fabric? No, this doesn’t mean it will absorb buckets of nightmare-induced sweat. It means that the sweat transferred from your face to the silk eye mask evaporates quickly.
Sweat and sleep can’t hang out for too long, y’know.
Interestingly, silk's thermal regulation and moisture-wicking properties also apply to an eye patch. It’s worn to treat lazy eye (or amblyopia). Patches are worn when awake, which means more movement and exposure to high temperatures. Silk’s supple texture makes it more comfortable, especially when worn under glasses. So, would we choose a silk eye patch? Aye, Cap’n.
The Enemies of Good Sleep: Itchy, Scratchy and Sneezy

Picture this. You’re about to fall asleep and rudely awakened by the loud noise of… your sneezing. Or you wake up from a nightmare where you’re itching. Surprise, surprise. You’ve been sleep-scratching!
If you suffer from asthma, allergies, or skin conditions, then you’ve struggled with getting peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.
Un-naughty by Nature
In case you didn’t know, many allergies are triggered by microscopic harbingers of doom: dust mites. These sneaky creepy crawlies lurk in the deepest, darkest corners of your home and invade your bed and clothes, too. Silk fibers are long and strong, interwoven tightly to keep tiny things out.
The beauty of silk is that it’s supposedly hypoallergenic — and not through any chemical means. It contains the protein sericin, which makes it naturally resistant to fungus, molds, and dust mites. The protein is derived from the cocoon of the silkworm (a.k.a. Bombyx mori in science speak or “another crawly”). Oh, the irony.
Now, just because this is the case, it doesn’t mean you should not clean your mask, especially if you have allergies. Read our guide on how to wash a silk sleep mask for tips.
If you’re still wondering, “Does a silk eye mask really help sleep?” then keep reading.
Smooth as Silk. Literally.
For those with skin conditions like eczema or rosacea, switching to silk eye masks is a smart decision. Because of their super smooth texture, they're less likely to trigger or aggravate a flare-up. The National Eczema Society identifies silk as an “eczema-friendly” fabric.(2)
Those with eczema know that those dreaded flaky patches sometimes appear on the eyebrows, around the eyes, and ears. These usually come in contact with a sleep mask. Rubbing or scratching rough fabric against these areas only makes things 10 times worse.
Meanwhile, those who have rosacea understand that heat is the enemy. Again, the thermal regulation property of silk comes into play.
So, does a silk eye mask really help sleep for allergy-prone people? Yes. It blocks out artificial light while acting as a barrier to the unspeakable.
Beauty Benefit: It Protects Skin While You Sleep
Aging gracefully means caring for your skin and body, and getting enough sleep is essential. In fact, a study published in Oxford Academic shows that lack of sleep affects your face, including dark undereye circles, red, swollen eyes, wrinkles, and fine lines.(3)
Frequently Asked Questions
We answer two frequently asked questions that revolve around silk sleep masks and skincare:
Do silk eye masks help with wrinkles?
While you sleep, little elves living deep within your pores are hard at producing collagen. Collagen keeps your face and body from wrinkling and sagging. While the elves are fictitious, collagen is fact.
Silk eye masks are not miracle youth serums. But since they help you sleep better, your body produces the collagen it needs to keep your skin elastic. Think of it as a preventive measure. Now, you can worry less and get a good night's sleep.
Do silk eye masks cause sleep lines?
If you’re a side sleeper, waking up with lines on your face is common. The same goes for those who fall asleep on their stomachs. If you’re compromising your natural sleeping position to avoid these, a silk mask will help you sleep better.
As you age, it takes longer for these creases to disappear. Silk's smooth texture reduces the appearance of sleep lines. Also, silk for sleeping ensures your skin is stretched and pulled less by a mask’s fitted fabric.
We hope this answers your question: “Does a silk eye mask really help sleep?” Yes, yes, and yes. If you still aren't sold, find out more about silk eye mask benefits.
(1) "How to Sleep When It’s Hot Outside” Sleep Foundation, Accessed 08 March 2024.
(2) “Clothing and eczema” National Eczema Society, Accessed 08 March 2024.
(3) "Cues of Fatigue: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Facial Appearance” Oxford Academic, Accessed 08 March 2024.
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