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Drinking Water Before Sleep: Why Make it a Nighttime Habit
Are you considering making drinking water part of your nighttime routine? Read this blog post to learn its benefits, the right amount, and more.
Not everybody thinks about drinking water before sleep. After all, it’s part of most people’s day-to-day to accompany meals or during and after exercise.
So, including it in your nighttime ritual doesn’t immediately come to mind. But it should. Staying adequately hydrated (day and night) can significantly and positively impact your health and wellness.
Here are the main points of this article:
Key Takeaways
Drinking water before sleep can improve the quality of your zzzs.
Adults should drink 8 to 16 ounces of water before hitting the sack.
Stop drinking water at least 1 to 2 hours before going to bed.
Dehydration can disrupt your sleep patterns and worsen certain sleep disorders.
Drinking too much water before bedtime can result in frequent awakenings and digestive issues.
Table of Contents
What Are the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Sleep?
Staying hydrated is essential for many bodily processes, including how well you sleep.
Here are some benefits of hydrating before bedtime:
Dehydration can interfere with your sleep patterns, causing you to wake up often at night. Drinking water before bed ensures your body stays adequately hydrated, supporting better sleep quality.
Drinking water before sleep is good for digestion. It helps with the efficient breakdown of food and decreases the likelihood of indigestion and nighttime discomfort.
If you prioritize skincare, drinking water before bedtime is beneficial.
Adequate hydration keeps your skin healthy and vibrant. It restores any moisture lost during the day, giving you more luminous skin when you wake up.
This benefit is helpful for fitness buffs who exercise regularly. Drinking water before bed aids muscle recovery, so you’ll feel less sore when you wake up the next day.
During sleep, your body undergoes natural detoxification processes. Proper hydration helps you effectively eliminate toxins and waste materials accumulated in the body.
How Much Water Should You Drink Before Sleep?
The quantity of water you should drink before bedtime differs from one person to the next. That’s because the amount is based on personal factors like age, body weight and daily activity levels.
Generally, it is advised to drink approximately 8 to 16 ounces (236 to 473 ml) of water 1 to 2 hours before bed. Nevertheless, pay attention to your body's signals and tailor the amount based on your needs. You may need to drink more if you live in a scorching climate.
Remember to hydrate slowly rather than drink large amounts of water in a short period. Doing so can lead to frequent bathroom trips and discomfort during the night.
What Are the Pros of Drinking Warm Water Before Bed?
Drinking water at any temperature before bed is beneficial, it’s true. However, warm water offers its own set of benefits.
Here are reasons to make drinking warm water part of your nightly routine:
Warm water can have a comforting effect on the body, promoting relaxation and serenity. This calming effect can help you fall asleep faster.
Warm water can boost digestion. It stimulates digestive enzymes, which help your body break down food, preventing indigestion and bloating.
Drinking warm water before bedtime is good for respiratory problems or congestion. It can help loosen mucus, relieve symptoms and facilitate better breathing.
Here’s how to prepare warm water before bedtime: Heat water to a comfortable temperature — make sure it isn’t boiling! Add a slice of lemon or a few drops of honey for flavor and additional benefits. Lemon boosts digestion, while honey is a natural antioxidant and fights inflammation.
When Should You Stop Drinking Water Before Bed?
So, now you know keeping hydrated during the night benefits your health. You should also know that finding a balance is equally important. Drinking too much too soon before bedtime isn’t recommended. Midnight bathroom trips interrupt your sleep pattern, leading to fatigue the next day.
We mentioned this earlier, but as a rule of thumb, stop drinking water about 1 to 2 hours before you plan to sleep. This time frame gives your body enough time to process fluids, decreasing your chances of waking up to go to the bathroom.
Again, each person's needs differ. If you find that you need to go more often at night, drink water earlier in the evening.
What’s the Connection Between Dehydration and Sleep?
There’s a strong link between dehydration and sleep. Each impacts the other significantly. Dehydration leads to various physiological shifts that can directly affect the quality of your sleep and health.
Meanwhile, lack of sleep may also impact hydration. According to Medical News Today, “New research suggests that insufficient sleep may cause dehydration by disrupting the release of a hormone that is key to regulating hydration.(1)”
Here are ways dehydration can mess with your sleep:
Dehydration can disrupt the synthesis of melatonin, the sleep hormone responsible for regulating your sleep-wake cycle. This disruption can make it harder to drift off and stay asleep at night.
Insufficient hydration can make you tired and sluggish the next day, impacting your daytime productivity. It may also contribute to grogginess and disorientation upon waking, called sleep inertia.
Lack of proper hydration can lead to muscle cramps, making it difficult to find a relaxing and pain-free sleeping position and potentially disturbing sleep.
Dehydration can indirectly exacerbate certain sleep disorders. Take the case of insomnia. Healthline says, “If you experience insomnia, it could be due to the symptoms of dehydration. Dehydration can cause headaches, dry mouth, and muscle cramps that may interfere with sleep.(2)”
Make it a point to stay hydrated by drinking water before bedtime. It can significantly lessen the adverse effects mentioned above, helping you get deeper, more restful zzzs.
What Are Potential Downsides of Drinking Water Before Sleep?
Yep. Drinking water before hitting the hay has benefits but also downsides. That’s why it's crucial to know what they are and take steps to prevent discomfort or sleep disturbances.
Here are the cons of drinking water before bedtime:
We’ve said it before, but it's important to emphasize that drinking too much water too close to bedtime can lead to frequent nighttime bathroom trips. Frequent awakenings harm your sleep quality.
This downside is rare, but generally, excessive water consumption can result in overhydration. This condition can become dangerous and lead to issues like electrolyte imbalances or water intoxication.
Too much water before bedtime can result in discomfort, bloating, or digestive problems, disrupting sleep quality.
Tips for Incorporating Water into Your Nighttime Routine
Drinking water before bed is an easy yet beneficial way to enhance your sleep and wellness. Here are a few tips to make it part of your nighttime routine:
Use your phone or smartwatch to set a reminder to drink water before bed. This will help you stay consistent.
Put a water bottle or glass on your nightstand, giving you easy access and making it convenient for you to hydrate.
If plain water doesn’t appeal to you, infuse it with fresh fruit like lemon, herbs or cucumber slices.
Keep a journal or use a water tracking app to track your daily water intake, including the quantity you drink before sleeping. Monitoring your water intake will help you recognize patterns and make necessary adjustments.
Integrate drinking water with soothing evening rituals, like reading, light stretching, or meditation. It can help you associate drinking water with good sleep and signal your body that it’s time for bed.
Conclusion: Make Drinking Water Before Sleep a Healthy Habit
So, there you have it — all the information you need to make drinking water part of your nighttime routine! This small change can significantly benefit your sleep and overall health. You need great sleep to perform at your best every day and live your best life.
Apart from hydrating before bedtime, establish good sleep hygiene. Also, create the right sleeping environment, one that’s dark, cool and quiet. Use 100% blackout eye masks or other sleep aids to supercharge your sleep quality. Finally, work towards good sleep hygiene habits. Your body and mind will thank you for it!
Drink up and sleep well!
(1) “Sleep deprivation may cause dehydration.” Medical News Today, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323595. Accessed 15 August 2024.
(2) “Can Dehydration Lead to Insomnia?” Healthline, www.healthline.com/health/insomnia/dehydration-insomnia-symptoms. Accessed 15 August 2024.
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