A girl relaxing in bed while wearing a therapeutic sleep mask.
A gray therapeutic eye mask with cooling eye cups.
Hands demonstrating how to secure a therapy sleeping mask with blue cooling eye cups.
A hand pinching one of two blue cooling eye cups of a therapeutic sleep mask.
A girl lying down on a pillow touching the side of the gray cooling therapeutic eye mask with blue eye cups that she’s wearing.
A therapy eye mask with orange warming eye cups.
The interior of a therapy sleep mask with orange warming eye cups.
A hand pinching one of two orange heated eye cups of a therapeutic sleep mask.
A girl relaxing on a chair while wearing a therapy eye mask with orange warming eye cups.
A gray therapeutic sleep mask with a weighted head strap and eye cups.
The back portion of a therapeutic sleep mask’s weighted head strap. Hands are demonstrating how the dup-strap design works.
A hand is holding 1 of 2 convex eye cups on the weighted head strap of a therapy sleeping mask.
A girl touching the edge of the therapeutic sleep mask with a weighted head strap and eye cups around her head.